Monday, May 9, 2011


Today's topic is jeggings.

Kellie: A lot of people have some pretty strong opinions regarding jeggings. When I first heard of jeggings it seemed like a really stupid idea. I remember the first time I saw them. I was a cashier at a retail store and some very tacky woman came up with three pairs of jeggings that seemed far too small for her. They were worse than I had imagined. There was no way that these things would pass for jeans, which may or may not be goal. There wasn't even real stitching. The stitching and buttons were just printed on there and it stupid.

That was 3 years ago. I have more recently seen jeggings that very much looked like jeans, which I much prefer. They had belt loops and a real zipper and button. I guess one could argue that these were just jeans, but the label said jeggings, and they were super stretchy.

So I guess the word "jeggings" encompasses a wide variety of pants/leggings. I have found that I have to judge each one individually, but I must say I much prefer the ones that are more like legitimate jeans.

Laine: To start I should make it clear that I am not a fan of leggings.  I also really didn't like the idea of skinny jeans when they started be become popular.  I have since become more accepting of skinny jeans, but I still really don't like leggings.  I especially don't like it when people wear leggings as pants.

I think my first experience with jeggings was probably at the same place Kellie's was.  I was shopping and saw this pair of pants in the little girls section and thought the idea was interesting, but also disgusting.  They were leggings with the print of jeans.  There weren't even jean fibers, they different colors from the woven threads were even printed on.  Yuck.  Later I saw jeggings that looked more like jeans.  They had real back pockets but still no front pockets.  This was a little better and I could see that they could be useful for wearing with boots because they would be easy to tuck in.

More recently I saw a pair of jeggings that was virtually a pair of skinny jeans.  It was woven jean type threads, with real front and back pockets.  They even felt thicker like real jeans.  My opinion of this pair of jeggings was that they were good.  So I guess my opinion of jeggings really depends on the way in which they are made.  If the have fake pocket front and back, then woven or printed, NO!  If they have real back pockets and woven...maybe.  And if they are woven and have real front and back pockets, why not, but then again, why wouldn't you just buy a pair of skinny jeans.

Overall Conclusion:

Jeggings are pointless. Just get skinny jeans. And if they're technically called jeggings, whatever. Stop. Think. Don't be tacky.

 Here is an example of REALLY tacky jeggings. They are in no way passable as jeans or pants.
 You know it's bad when you can see a bulge.

Another thing to take into consideration is that you always see these being modeled on EXTREMELY thin people. Notice that when people who are not extremely thin wear them, they look even worse.

Here is a link to an acceptable pair of jeggings. A friend of our owns this pair of jeggings and they definitely look like jeans. She says that they're very comfortable because of their extra stretchiness. Also, they're really convenient if you're wearing boots with them, because the bottoms are SO tight and stretchy.

1 comment:

  1. That's probably what the "jeans" in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants were, Jeggings. "Oh my! How can this be?! We all fit into the same pair of pants even though I'm so thin and you're fat!" Come on, none of them had heard of Spandex before?

    A note to ladies.
    Yes, just go with the skinny jeans or the jean-jegging things. They have the same look but keep you from jiggling... unless you want to jiggle, then I guess go with the jeggings...
